I will easily say that purchasing my own recording equipment has been the best decision I’ve ever made when it comes to songwriting. Too many times I’ve paid $35-45 an hour for recording time and could only record piano and voice….and had to keep my imperfections in my songs. Now, with my own stuff, I can go back, delete, re-record, add something, take it away, and be spontaneous with my recording. Thanks to having my own stuff, I can add percussion, guitar, bass, strings, all the wonderful things I kept TELLING everyone would make my songs sound so much better!
And if I had a choice of singing for a sound engineer or singing for myself, I’d also much more comfortably singing for myself. I swear, I could never perform these live without getting EXTREME jitters….I’d probably have a friggin heart attack on stage. I’m perfectly content letting others sing my stuff, as long as I get the credit for writing it, and whatever proper compensation for the time and effort I put into these songs. I’m in the process of copyrighting my music (so if anyone dare tries to steal it I’ll see you in court with both a copyright AND proof that I posted these to Facebook MONTHS before even copyrighting it, hehe). I’ve calculated the hours I’ve already spent putting these songs together vs. the amount I would have spent had I used these hours in the studio and already I’ve saved a couple HUNDRED dollars. It’s amazing how much one can save when they do this. True, I’m not playing a baby grand, and true, I’m not in a sound proof room, but I think that if you listen to my songs, you’ll get the general gist of what the song’s supposed to sound like. And if a studio exec likes what he/she hears, I guarantee that if you stick me in a proper studio with several sound engineers, I’ll re-create this song PROPERLY in a matter of half an hour to an hour. I know all the instruments in my songs…the whole thing’s in my head. And if they want to pay studio musicians to play the part, I’m not above that plan at all. Might take longer, but at least I can write down every part for them. See….THIS is what I want to do with my life. It’s a tough field, I know. But I didn’t plan this. God gave me a talent and a passion. He also gave me hobby talents, such as photography, drawing, designing, writing…but THIS? Creating these songs and the music behind them….THIS is what I love to do. And I’d do it all day if I could get away with it. Now, go listen to my music. :)
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KelliJust writing down things that Archives
December 2013
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